Motorcycle customization involves using custom motorcycle parts and accessories to build a custom motorcycle. Custom motorcycle accessories can involve helmets, handlebars, rims, and seats. Buying aftermarket parts for your motorcycle customization will allow the bike to become more durable, faster, and more valuable. As of 2012, there were approximately 9 million motorcycles registered in the United States. Motorcycles are currently the most affordable type of transportation in many parts of the world. This makes them popular for motorcycle customization and which makes them a hot commodity. Almost 80% of motorcycles are stolen in the United States are stolen from the home itself. You should always keep your motorcycle in your garage to keep it safe.
Other than motorcycle customization, motorcycle safety is another concern for motorcyclists. Compared to those driving passenger vehicles on the road, motorcyclists are 35 times more likely to be in a fatal accident. A motorcyclist can avoid accidents by not tailgating while riding a motorcycle. According to a 2013 Consumer Report survey, brakes were the most common issue that riders came across. For safety reasons, 19 states have universal helmet laws for motorcycle riding in the United States. To avoid an accident, wearing protective clothing such as leather and other durable materials will protect your skin from contact with heated parts of the motorcycle, and will reduce the risk of road rash and serious injury due to falls. See more.