Prices of Mercedes Benz Parts Go Down in China

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According to the South China Morning Post, Chinese investigators raided the Shanghai office of Mercedes-Benz. The raid was the result of a country-wide anti-monopoly campaign.

The investigators arrived at 10am, and successfully entered the building despite protest from security guards. The investigators stayed until 9pm, inspecting various computers as well as questioning the available staff.

China Seeks to Crack Down on Monopolies

China’s anti-monopoly campaign began in 2008. The investigation likely caused Mercedes-Benz to announce that the prices on over 10,000 Mercedes Benz parts parts would be cut 15% — and this came a month after car services charges were cut by 20%. Several well known brands in China have been investigated for anti-trust violations this year, including Edelman and Microsoft.

Windshields See Big Reduction in China

Among the Mercedes Benz replacement parts being cut in price are its windshields — these will be experiencing an even more dramatic 29% decrease in price. Earlier in the year, the NDRC — China’s top economic planning body — was investigating multiple automakers on suspicion of monopolizing activity. They were probing these companies in order to determine whether the cost of things like original Mercedes parts were being artificially inflated.

What Sort of Cost to Expect for Mercedes Benz Parts

How much do Mercedes Benz spare parts cost? It depends on what someone wants to replace, who is replacing it, and the make and model of the car. More exclusive cars tend to call for higher prices in parts.

Have you ever had to replace a part on a Mercedes Benz vehicle? How difficult was it, and how much did you have to pay? Let us know in the comments.

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