Why Customer Service Makes the Best Auto Body Repair Services
The duties of an auto body shop are all about fixing vehicles during an allocated period to provide people efficient services but also quality customer appreciation. There are specific tasks mechanics deal with that require both skills sets—efficiency with cars and customer service experience to understand the customer’s wants and needs while providing unmatched quality of any other auto body shop around. Typically, auto body repair services are aimed with professional service abilities, such as truck maintenance, which is primarily factored on customers more than the actual repairs. Dealing with customers is an entirely different skill that every mechanic must know to continue being lucrative in their profession—some customers are very picky when it comes to who’s responsible for fixing their car, no one wants to be stuck with a vehicle in worst condition than it was before placing it in the car body shop. Statistics account for an estimated 77% of cars in need of truck maintenance or repairs, there’s no lack of business in collision repair services, which means a lack of customers is a bad sign a car body shop might not be exactly customer service friendly. Here are a few ways to ensure an auto body shop is worth the visit.
1. Word of mouth:Like everything good or popular, it’ll quickly spread among others. It’s very common for a body shop to gain customers through referrals if a shop’s work is good, it’ll get around.
2. Advice: Providing helpful, accurate advice about a customer’s truck maintenance is one of the major reasons some auto body shops see an influx of customers. Customers sincerely value a professional that can pinpoint the problem and fix it accordingly. Research shows, over half of the vehicle owners undergo windshield repairs or truck maintenance.
The Importance of Truck Maintenance
Proper maintenance for a car is imperative for keeping at an optimal performance level. Regular car servicing significantly diminishes the need for sporadic maintenance repairs that could hinder your car’s lifespan. Research shows 72% of car accidents result in property damage, typically with the most damage being to a car—the three main common causes of car accidents being distracting driving, drunk driving, and speeding. Performing a car’s maintenance after everything possible has gone wrong places the car at risk for more repairs quicker than usual, not to mention much more costly for the owner. When visiting a car body shop be sure to get everything checked to avoid having to constantly go to the auto repair shop—having a healthy, well-maintained car is the difference between being safe on the road and potential danger.
Why Touch Up Paint Is Great For Your Car (And You)
You may remember the day you got your car off the lot—shiny, sleek, and new with an amazing finish that you couldn’t wait to flaunt around town. Over the years, it takes some damages and wears and tear on tires, and eventually, its coat isn’t so sleek and satisfying anymore—in fact, it’s becoming rather dull and embarrassing to drive around town, an old car. You know you need to repaint your car, but you don’t want to spend an insane amount of money, but you want to do something and fast. Vehicle touch up paint is one of the best alternatives to paying a pretty penny for a paint job that’s not designed to last. Touch up paint is not only affordable but DIY-friendly for car owners who take a significant amount of pride in their car’s appearance, they want it to look the best it can without breaking the bank. Touch up paint options are also far more versatile than a paint job, car owners can fully customize their cars and constantly change their color as much as they desire, without the high price of color customization—according to Nancy Lockhart, a color marketing specialist, white has been considered the number one car color choice in North America since 2006. White is an extremely popular for vehicles, because of its low crash rate—white cars are considered the safest while red cars are considered the most dangerous and highly followed by law enforcement because they are more likely to get into wrecks.