Three Ways You’re Making a Difference When You Choose To Travel By Bus

Charter bus

If you’ve ever used coach or charter bus services for long-distance traveling before, your decision to hop on the nearest coach bus line was probably based on factors like lower ticket prices and more environmental conscientiousness, on the part of bus companies, compared to other travel options. But the benefits of bus travel go beyond the obvious reasons you’ve probably heard about; even if you’ve never realized it, every time you travel by bus you’re supporting the entire tourism industry of the country.

Don’t believe it? Here are a few reasons why coach buses are important and essential to the success of an even bigger industry:

  • First of all, it should be noted that the coach bus industry is pretty impressive by itself. The industry is comprised of about 3,400 businesses, and the majority of these businesses are small, independently-owned companies that provide valuable jobs for their communities. Ultimately, this creates a stronger community and increases the quality of life for all residents.

  • It doesn’t matter how small the bus company is or how many buses it owns and operates — each company contributes to a collective 751 million passenger trips, on average, per year. With so many passengers out on the road, it’s easy to see how many other industries can benefit. Everything from hotels and motels, to restaurants, to simple gas stations and rest stops all benefit from so many travelers. Although focusing on your community’s economic growth is important, it’s just as important to realize that every small community depends on national economic stability too.

  • Finally, let’s think about how many bus companies are starting to use eco-friendly vehicles, like electric, hybrid electric, and bio-diesel buses. All of the research, engineering, manufacturing, and maintenance required for each bus meant that the industry had to create and fill jobs — and many of these jobs have been given to hardworking American consumers.

Quite simply, when you choose to travel by bus, you’re supporting countless industries and small businesses that really matter.

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