The How-To Guide to Buying a New Car

Subaru car parts

When Erin wrecked her car in the middle of graduate school, she knew that after handling all of the paperwork and stress involved in her accident, she was going to need to figure out what the best new cars are and which vehicle to purchase. Going without a vehicle wasn’t an option, and her car crash insured that there was no saving the vehicle her parents had passed down to her during high school. As she started her search, she focused on a few key things:
1) Safety First Erin’s main concern was car safety. She wanted a vehicle with lots of car safety features that would help her feel secure behind the wheel again. She was happy to learn that lots of the best new cars had impressive safety features, and took particular note of the fact that 2015 Subaru Outback was named one of the cars on the Top Safety List by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. The same vehicle also featured rearview cameras and special rollover features, including one that would trigger the airbags as soon as a rollover was predicted and airbag placement that would help keep Erin and her passengers in their seats during a rollover. Erin could understand why those features were routinely highlighted during her research after experiencing the scary experience of rolling over in her previous vehicle.
2) Go Green Like many other young people, Erin was also interested in the environmental impact of her future vehicle. She saw that lots of new car dealers and used car dealers provided information about fuel efficiency, and she was excited that just about any of her options from the group of best new cars would yield her more miles per gallon than what she got with her older vehicle. What really caught Erin’s eye, however, was that Subarus have over a 97% recycling ratio at the end of their life. Erin liked the idea that when her new car had lived its life and was ready to be retired, its parts were designed in a way that would minimize their likelihood of ending up in a landfill.
3) Lookin’ Good While safety and environmental friendliness were important to Erin, she also wanted to make sure she looked good. Lots of the best new cars had stylish designs and luxurious insides. She knew wanted leather seats and liked the look and functionality of hatchbacks and SUVs. She had always had an affinity for black cars, and was excited to finally fulfill her wish to drive one every day.
Even though crashing her car was not a plan of Erin’s life or financial plans, she felt a real sense of excitement about choosing one of the best new cars to call her own. She liked knowing that she had lots of option to keep her safe, protect the environment, and make sure she looked and felt great in her vehicle.

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