If you’re planning your next group trip but aren’t sure how to get everyone there with as little anxiety as possible, renting a charter bus might just be the perfect option for you. If you’ve used coach bus services before (like the ones where you can buy individual tickets for pre-planned trips), you already know how comfortable and convenient these buses can be. (Read: You know how little modern coach buses resemble smelly old school buses). But you may not have realized that coach buses (also called charter buses) can be rented out for private trips too. Church groups, school clubs, even big families — no matter how many people you have to transport and no matter where you have to go, renting a charter bus might just be the best option.
First of all, charter buses are very safe. Recent government data shows that coach buses are some of the safest vehicles out on the road today — so don’t be fooled by the number of news articles on bus crashes, because for every vehicle crash, there are dozens and dozens of trips that run safely. Chartered bus services always provide a professional driver to transport your group, and it’s incredibly easy to find out about the company’s safety ratings, and whether there are any pending customer complaints, by checking with the Better Business Bureau. In fact, bus companies want their customers to consider things like inspection details and safety ratings, and a good bus service will be more than willing to share this information with you because it has nothing to hide.
And second of all, coach buses are very affordable. Each company charges for services differently (some charge by number of miles traveled, others charge a flat rate fee, etc.) but you’ll always know how much your trip costs before you leave. You never have to worry about unexpected maintenance fees or saving up you gas money “just in case something happens,” because the company takes care of all that.
All bus services are a little bit different, so it’s important to do your research and find out which service and bus fits your needs. There are so many to choose from, though, that we’re pretty sure you’ll find exactly what you need and want!