Should I Buy A New Car Or A Used Car? Industry Studies Are Showing A Huge Shift In Preference

Ames car dealerships

It’s that time of year again. No, not buying gifts for the holidays. Getting that new car! This is something a lot of families look forward to because it’s a chance to come together and find a vehicle to keep bringing them together. For others this can be little more than a chore because of all the vehicles on the market. How can you make sure you have a great car buying experience? The list below will refresh you on the nature of the modern car market for any details you might’ve missed over the years, getting you that much closer to that purchase that will carry you from your children’s soccer game and back again.

Got Kids? No Problem!

The most important factor? Finding a great selection of Jeeps that fit your family dynamic. Easily one of the most influential decisions for families on the prowl for a new car is whether or not it will support their children. School, extracurricular activities, sleepovers…it needs to handle it all! Studies have shown nearly half of all buyers spending anywhere from one to three months shopping before committing to a purchase, so feel no shame if you take your time. There are a lot of kid friendly cars on the market and one of them is bound to catch your eye!

Save Some Money And Get It Used

The used car is booming in popularity and it’s easy to see why. You get good quality and a good price all rolled into one! A recent industry estimate saw franchised dealers selling nearly three million used vehicles in Q1 just this year. According to Edmunds, the first quarter of 2015 also saw nearly 10 million total used vehicle sales. There are more than enough good reasons to buy a used car, the more affordable price sitting on the top of the list and sometimes being all a person needs to make the plunge.

Always Be Ready For The Open Road

Eyeing that great selection of Jeeps? You’re already set for some long vacations on the open road. Jeeps are popular for their durability and ability to go off the beaten path, ideal for families that love camping or find themselves regularly traveling on impromptu vacations. A 2008 study found the number of people who lived in a household with at least one Jeep exceeded 12 million. Flash forward a few years later and this great selection of Jeeps would sell a global total of 1 million vehicles.

Keep Yourself Grounded With Some Useful Tips

Whether you recently bought a new car or it’s been years since you’ve dropped by your local dealership, there are some tips that never become less relevant. A common guideline for smart purchases is being honest with your budget. Your monthly car payment shouldn’t be more than 20% of your take-home pay. An industry study saw a little over half of car buyers not knowing the make or model they intend to buy before dropping by their local dealership, either. While car dealers are supposed to walk you through the process, brushing up on your favorites will put you in a much better spot when it’s time to buy.

It’s Time To Pick The Car Of Your Family’s Dreams

You have your tips for buying a new car. You have your reasons to buy a used car. Where do you go from here? A great way to make sure you choose the car of your family’s dreams is to take them along for the ride! Studies have shown at least a third of all families with children actively involving everyone in the car-buying decision, from browsing to taking a test drive. As of today America’s automobile industry is one of the largest in the country and it wouldn’t get very far if it weren’t for the honest efforts of everyday people. Pull out your checklist and give it a once-over before dropping by your dealership.

Check out your great selection of Jeeps before the year wraps up and start off the next in style!

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