Motorcycle sales have continually increased over the past 10 years according to the Bureau of Transportation. In the United States there is only a small percent of motorcyclists who use their motorcycle as their main means of transportation year round. Driving a motorcycle is a serious activity and should not be taken lightly. The proper precautions should be taken in order to keep the motorcycle driver safe. Motorcycle gear and clothing is often made of leather, and other protective materials that will protect the skin from contact with heated parts of the motorcycle and will reduce the risk of road rash and serious injury during falls. You can find these at a motorcycle part store as well as other stores.
Wearing a helmet is a good way to protect yourself and your brain from injury. It is recommended that all U.S. motorcycle riders use a DOT certified helmet, according to the Department of Transportation. There are 19 U.S. states that have universal helmet laws for motorcycle riders. An estimated 49% of motorcycle crashes in the United States result in the bike coming into contact with another vehicle, according to the NHTSA. The main reason motorcycle riders should wear a helmet is because they are 35 times more likely to be involved in a deadly accident than those driving passenger vehicles.
If you are interested in modification of your motorcycle, then you will want to look into a motorcycle part store. These can be motorcycle online stores and sell motorcycle parts and accessories. By shopping at a motorcycle part store, you can find custom parts for motorcycles. You can find motorcycle parts online, or a motorcycle part store. A motorcycle part store is also likely to carry many safety related clothing and materials. For more information see this: www.nichecycle.com