How to Treat Your Car Like Royalty

Classic car restoration

There are two kinds of car owners. Those who use their vehicles to get them from point A to point B and take them in yearly for the grudging inspection, and then there’s you. You go to classic car restoration shows on the weekends and try not to act like a kid in a candy store. You’re probably one of the two thirds of car owners who give their vehicles a pet name (mine’s “The Duchess,” and she’d be pleased to meet you if you ever happened to roll up beside her beetle green exterior at a local stoplight). You don’t seek out auto repair services just for durability, oh no. You’re one of the 20% of drivers who take your baby into the garage for preventative care and styling.

Just as a duchess needs her jewels, so a well loved car needs car detailing. Auto detailing simply refers to the process by which we clean and augment functional cars to make them shine, literally and figuratively. The most common detailing practice is the car wash, which is utilized by over 8 million drivers a day. But getting your car washed is like having a shower; it’s basic, necessary, and socially mandatory. The more conscientious vehicle owner looking to make their car stand out might consider hiring an auto detail cleaning service.

The auto detail cleaning service industry can best be described as car washes times twenty. A good auto detail cleaning service has both interior and exterior services and will use the latest technology in buffers, polishes, stain removers, vacuums and shines to get your duchess on wheels looking her best. If you’ve got leather seats that have been subjected to grease stains, ice cream cones, inconsiderate passengers and their footprints, or children who just can’t stop eating Cheez-Its in your cab, have no fear. An auto detail cleaning service can make the inside of your car look like new. If you’ve buffed your paint job until your arm felt like falling off but just can’t get the car commercial shine, an auto detail cleaning service can come to your rescue and turn “Nascar Dad Red” into “Fire Engine Fury.”

Best of all, auto detail places are usually inexpensive, ranging anywhere from $45 to $100 per a treatment. They’re also bound to be full of other people who share your passion for the engined royalty of the road, and don’t mind spending hours talking shop. So go on and make the call to your local auto detailer; treating your ride might as well be the same as treating yourself.

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