When Was the Last Time You Had to Take Your Car in for Repairs?

A properly equipped auto repair shop is important if you want to make sure that you are able to complete all of the jobs that come your way. From a GM torsion bar tool to tie rod pullers, it is important to make sure that you have tool distributors who can help you equip your space with everything that you need.

As more and more vehicle owners opt to have their repairs and service done at garages other than the dealers, there are an increasing number of mechanics who are looking for ways to make sure that they have a fully stocked garage. With the basics like a GM torsion bar tool and barrel fans, these mechanics are able to prepare a space that allows them to serve a number of customers. Tool distributors offer their products to both dealerships and private garage owners so it is possible to get the kind of service that you need in any number of locations.

Wrench Organizers and Tie Rod Pullers Allow Garage Owners to Stay Organized and Productive

By offering their products to both businesses and individual consumers, tool distributors play a significant role in the auto mechanics industry across the nation. In fact, by focusing only on recall work, many mechanics can stay very busy. In fact, as many as 390 million vehicles, including cars, trucks, motorcycles and mopeds, RVs, and buses, have been recalled in the U.S. since 1996. And while much of this work was done by a dealership in the past, there are a growing number of other mechanics who are now also licensed to perform this work.

A single car has as many as 30,000 parts, nearly 80% of a car is recyclable so there is also a profitable industry in used car parts. Consider some of these facts and figures about the car parts and repair industry and the impact that it has on the nation’s economy:

  • Including $202.28 for parts and $103.27 for labor, the total average auto repair cost in the U.S. is $305.55.
  • U.S. motor vehicle and parts retailers generated revenue of around $100 billion in the year 2017.
  • With 300 million, the U.S. has more cars than any other country in the world. China comes in a distant second, with 78 million.
  • The auto tools industry makes up 7% of the top services performed based on total purchasing dollars in America.
  • Surveys estimate that power tools and work tools cause an average of nearly 400,000 visits to the emergency room each year, so it is important to understand how to properly use all of the tools that you have, from a GM torsion bar tool to a quickjack portable lift.

Good auto mechanics are always in high demand. In fact, both large dealerships and small repair shops provide a number of services that can help vehicle owners get the most of their transportation investment.

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