Understanding Your Car’s Paint Job

If you have a scratch or Nick on your car it may have caused you to wonder about the different types of paint we use to color our cars. Depending on the damage your car has sustained you could get away with grabbing some Mazda touch up paint or some other kind of automotive touch up kit, or you may have to go see a professional. They say knowledge is power, so read on to get the knowledge you need about what’s going on with your cars paint job.

What Your Paint Job Does

the reason it’s so difficult to touch up your Honda Civic paint job is that your car requires special paint. In the first place, car paint has to be able to bond with metal, which is something house paint or paint for wood doesn’t have to do. If the paint does not bond properly to the metal on your car it will be able to protect that metal. Additionally, the paint has to have a highly

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