How to Tell When Your Car Flooring Needs to Be Replaced

Did you know that when it’s 70 degrees and sunny outside, the temperature in your closed car can quickly reach 107 degrees? Within an hour, it can rise all the way to 113 degrees. Not only is this a great reason to never leave a child in a locked car, it’s also one of the reasons your car flooring needs to be replaced over time. Here’s everything you need to know about why and when to worry about your auto carpet.

Why The Car Flooring Needs Refreshing

Heat is only one factor. If you live in a climate with warm summers and really cold winters, even if the seasons are short, the extreme temperature differences are hard on the car carpet. In addition, we’re spending an average of 87 minutes a day in our cars in America, and 70% of us are eating or drinking while we’re in them

Read moreHow to Tell When Your Car Flooring Needs to Be Replaced

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